by sicnx | May 21, 2014 | CSR Highlights
This year, one of our staff Hannah joined the Vietnam trip organized by World Vision to visit our sponsored kids from 20 to 26 April 2014. A box was then being put up for collecting staff’s donation… Glad to say we managed to collect a total of S$210. ...
by sicnx | Feb 10, 2014 | CSR Highlights
This is our 2nd visit to Lee Ah Mooi Old Age Home. On that sunny & windy morning, we brought along some mandarin oranges and bags of chicken essence, biscuits etc.. to wish the old folks a Very Happy Chinese New Year !...
by sicnx | Dec 24, 2013 | CSR Highlights
The participation in World Vision Life-Changing Gifts program for the vulnerable children in impoverished communities worldwide is the year end event we will not miss. The total amount contributed for this year is S$2,498, in the form of life changing items like clean...
by sicnx | Oct 31, 2013 | CSR Highlights
Earthquake has hit Philippines on 15th October that affected Bohol & Cebu. The death toll for the earthquake continues to climb and as of 21 October, 186 people have been reported dead and 583 are injured. The island of Bohol was the most affected with 172...
by sicnx | Sep 10, 2013 | CSR Highlights
Last month we managed to raise a small fund for Lee Ah Mooi Old Age Home via the event “Auction for Charity”. 2 Office unused but well functioning devices – a colour printer and a fan with ionizer were open for bidding to internal staff for charity....
by admin | Jan 5, 2013 | CSR Highlights
Last December we (staffs and company) have made a total contributions of S$2,962.00, an up of about 14% as compared to previous year S$2,602.00. The contributions were in the form of life-changing gifts included : Daily lunch for street kids, Vaccination and...